
GoTree: 基于树可视化的描述性语法

我们提出了一种树可视化的描述性语法GoTree,支持用户通过指定视觉元素,布局和坐标系三个方面构建相应的树可视化。我们对整个树可视化集合进行了划分。针对满足“单元可分解”和“轴可分解”的子集,GoTree支持用户对预期树可视化形式进行灵活且细粒度的描述。基于GoTree,我们设计开发了树可视化快速构建工具Tree Illustrator。Tree Illustrator支持用户无需编写代码,即可创建或者复合超过100种现有树可视化形式,甚至探索发现新颖的形式。我们通过大量树可视化示例来展示GoTree的表达能力,同时通过用户实验验证了Tree Illustrator的可用性。

Guozheng Li, Min Tian, Qinmei Xu, Michael J. McGuffin, and Xiaoru Yuan.
GoTree: A Grammar of Tree Visualizations.
In Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2020), Honolulu, Hawai'i, USA. April 25-30, 2020.


This work is supported by NSFC No. 61672055 and the National Key Research and Development Program of China (2016QY02D0304), as well as PKU-Qihoo Joint Data Visual Analytics Research Center.