Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Situation in Visual Squares

--- Accumulated daily diagnoses, cures, and deaths in the world

Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Situation in Visual Squares focuses on the cure rate and the mortality rate of each country (region) in the world, while presenting the cumulative data of the number of diagnoses, cures, and deaths, showing the development of the epidemic in a macroscopic way.

Each square represents the epidemic situation in one country (region). The background color indicates the number of diagnoses. Countries or regions where the epidemic has occurred are shown in blue , and the darker the color, the greater the number. Countries or regions where the epidemic has not occurred are shown in gray . At the center of the square is a small black square , and the ratio of its area to the square represents mortality rate. On its outer side is a green hollow square , and the ratio of its area to the square indicates the cure rate. In the upper right corner of the square, the numbers of diagnoses, cures, and deaths are represented by red, green, and black numbers, respectively. The date slider allows you to see the information of previous days and to observe the changes over time.

Up to

1.The data are collected and compiled from WHO official information, health departments of all countries, authoritative institutions and media. Due to the inconsistent statistics of the countries, there is a certain deviation in the data before the complete verification.
2.Diamond Princess and MS Zaandam are represented as individual region.