Photo of Matin Fouladi

Matin Fouladi

Undergarduate Student '14
University of California, Los Angeles, CA, U.S.A.
Email: fouladimatin [at] gmail [dot] com



Bachelor of Science: Major in Computer Science

Los Angeles, CA

December, 2014

  • Academics (A in Following Courses): Intro to Programming (C++), Algorithms and Complexity, Java Applications, Graphics, Computer Organization, Computer Architecture, Digital Design
  • Honors: UCLA Merit Scholarship, National Merit Scholar, AP Scholar with Distinction
  • Leadership: Webmaster for the Iranian Student Group, Academic Development Coordinator for Mentors for Academic and Peer Support (MAPS)
  • Programming Languages: C, C++, Java, HTML, CSS, SQL, JavaScript, PHP, Python, VHDL, WebGL, OCaml, JQuery, JSP, PHP, JDBC, AJAX, Bash, SOAP, REST



Research Assistant - Network and Security Lab

Los Angeles, CA

February, 2013 - Present

  • Implemented a testing platform using UDP, TCP, and IP in C and developed test scripts in Python
  • Designed a C++ Program for introduction class to programming that emphaisized computer security using md5hash and AES encryption and developed testing platform for studetns work in Python
  • Currently writing a technical paper describing the implementation of a network probe that I am implementing as an open source tool


Visiting Research Assistant - Human Computer Interaction and Visualization

Beijing, P.R. China

June, 2014 - September, 2014

  • Designed a Leap Motion Interface in C++ that allowed for intuitive interaction with scientific flow data


Art and Science Labs

Software Engineer - Part Time

Los Angeles, CA

October 2013 - Present

  • Created an interface between iPhone and Drupal CMS to communicate gestures from a game app to gesture list on CMS
  • Implented a PHP application to visualize gestures as they would be viewed by the iPhone application
  • Designed ooptoisolated circut to trigger 10 Cameras at once with undetectable delay for accurate 3D modeling
  • Working on Kinect One 3D moderling using the depth and color layers to model motions

Port of Los Angeles

Web Developer - Graphics Department

Los Angeles, CA

June 2013 - September 2013

  • Successfully created a production ready web application using HTML, CSS, PHP, SQL, and JavaScript that managed accepting new job requests and distrubiting them among team members for the graphics department with custom login, access restritions for users and admins, forms, and an easily updatable admin panel
  • Interacted with clients to get design specificaiton, led bi-weekly progress and enhancement meetings, developed a comprehensive outline and specification to allow for further development

Mentors for Academic and Peer Support (MAPS)

Academic Development Coordinator

Los Angeles, CA

September, 2012 - June 2013

  • Created and taught a class of 17 the SAT, led academic and financial workshops, and constructed a document library to enhance further development of the academic curriculum
  • Successfully attained a 97% college acceptance rate for our students by increasing acceptance rates by 23%


Marble Maze

  • Using VHDL and Virtex FPGA, created a marble maze that otuputted a maze to a monitor through VGA and using an accelerometer allowed the player to navigate through the maze by titlting the FPGA

Auction Website

  • Implemented a Java web application from start to finish for buying and selling items using Google Suggest for keyword search
  • Built Apache Lucene inverted index for efficient keyword search and deoployed SOAP service on Axis2

Shell Shuffle

  • Designed a UCLA themed shell shuffle game with WebGL and JavaScript with three levels of difficulty
  • Used shaders, texture mapping, and camera contorls within WebGL to create the game from scratch


  • Using a Vertex-II FPGA for video processing, I created an interactive pong like game that put two players head to head in front of a camera to keep an augmented ball from falling on their side of the screen
  • Developed a custom physics implementaiton, built from scratchin VHDL, and worked in a team of three

NachMan (Pacman Game)

  • Created a Pacman game with multiple levels where Nachman eats pellets and avoids the automated ghosts
  • Developed with the priciples of object oriented design using classes, inheritance, and polymorphism in C++