Photo of Peihong Guo

Peihong Guo(郭沛洪)

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PhD Student,
Key Laboratory of Machine Perception (Minister of Education),
Center for Information Science, School of EECS,
Peking University, Beijing, P.R. China.


I've graduated from Yuanpei College, Peking University, and I'm now working towards my Ph.D. in visualization at EECS, Peking University. I have great interest in visualization, especially in developing novel interface for visualization tools and applying these tools in scientific research.


I joined Prof. Yuan's research group in 2008. In the past years I've been involved in several InfoVis projects, mainly about high dimensional data visualization and analysis. I am also searching for novel methods for processing of HDR ( High Dynamic Range ) images/videos.


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© 2010, Peihong Guo @ PKU Vis Group