| Research Institutions and University Open to Public (2011.5.14) | | {{:photos:20110514openhouse1.jpg?400}} | {{:photos:20110514openhouse2.jpg?400}} | | Prof. Yuan introducing seismic visualization on TDW | Zuchao Wang introducing the image gallery | | {{:photos:20110514openhouse3.jpg?400}} | {{:photos:20110514openhouse4.jpg?400}} | | Hanqi Guo introducing multi-touch volume rendering | Hanqi Guo introducing volume rendering on TDW | \\ | Open House and Bachelor's Degree Program Introduction (2011.4.15) | | {{:photos:20110415openday1.jpg?400}} | {{:photos:20110415openday2.jpg?400}} | | Stereo volume visualization and Tiled Display Wall (TDW) | Siming Chen introducing volume rendering | | {{:photos:20110415openday3.jpg?400}} | {{:photos:20110415openday4.jpg?400}} | | Xin Zhang introducing DBLP Co-authorship visualization | Limei Che introducing graph and matrix visualization | \\ | Pacific Vis 2011 Series (2011.3.1 - 2011.3.4) | | {{:photos:group.jpg?400}} | {{:photos:group2.jpg?400}} | | PKU Attendants with Program Chair Prof. Qu from HKUST | PKU Students at PacificVis 2011 | | {{:photos:yuanwithtutorial1.jpg?400}} | {{:photos:yuanwithtutorial2.jpg?400}} | | Prof. Yuan gave tutorial session | Prof. Yuan gave tutorial session | | {{:photos:ghqwithpaper.jpg?400}} | {{:photos:wzcwithpaper.jpg?400}} | | Hanqi Guo presenting paper | Zuchao Wang presenting paper | | {{:photos:ybwwithposter.jpg?400}} | {{:photos:zxwithposter.jpg?400}} | | Bowen Yu at Poster Session | Xin Zhang at Poster Session | | {{:photos:wzcwithposter.jpg?400}} | {{:photos:group1.jpg?400}} | | Zuchao Wang at Poster Session | PKU students visiting HKUST | \\ | {{:photos:20110217_1.jpg?400|}} | {{:photos:20110217_2.jpg?400|}} | | 2/17/2011 Guests from French visited PKU Vis lab | 2/17/2011 Guests from French | | {{:photos:20101111french2.jpg?400|}} | {{:photos:tdw_2010_1.jpg?400|}} | | 11/11/2010 Guests from French visited PKU Vis lab | 11/2010 Our Tiled Display Wall | | {{:photos:authors20101029.jpg?400|}} | {{:photos:20101111french1.jpg?400|}} | | 10/29/2010 Authors of our Vis2010 paper | 11/11/2010 Guests from French visited PKU Vis lab | | {{:photos:showingposter20101028.jpg?400|}} | {{:photos:withposter20101029.jpg?400|}} | | 10/28/2010 Hanqi showing poster to audience in Visweek | 10/29/2010 Hanqi and Xiao He with the poster | | {{:photos:visweek20101028.jpg?400}} | {{:photos:banquet20101028.jpg?400|}} | | | 10/27/2010 Hanqi and Xiao He with Vis Poster Chair Alark | 10/28/2010 Visweek Banquet | | | {{:photos:cnccdemo20101011.jpg?400|}} | {{:photos:goldengate20101022.jpg?400}} | | 10/11/2010 Exhibition at CNCC2010 Hangzhou | 10/22/2010 Visiting Golden Gate before NPUC '10 | | {{:photos:osakauniversityvisit.jpg?400}} | {{:photos:cncc20101011.jpg?400|}} | | 09/21/2010 Guests from Osaka University | 10/11/2010 Exhibition at CNCC2010 Hangzhou | | {{:photos:mavisit.jpg?400}} | {{:photos:haasvisit.jpg?400}} | | 09/17/2010 Prof. Kwan-Liu Ma from UC-Davis gave a talk  | 09/08/2010 Dr. Laura Haas from IBM gave a talk at PKU | | {{:photos:earthquakecentervisit.jpg?400}} | {{:photos:adl2010.jpg?400}} | | 08/20/2010 Guests from China Earthquake Network Center | 08/15/2010 CCF ADL Visit | | {{:photos:ss10_1.jpg?400|}} | {{:photos:ss10_2.jpg?400}} | | Aug. 2010 PKU Summer School 2010 | Aug. 2010 PKU Summer School 2010 |