- [[:photos:page 1|go to photo page 1]] - [[:photos:page 2|go to photo page 2]] - [[:photos:page 3|go to photo page 3]] - [[:photos:page 4|go to photo page 4]] - [[:photos:page 5|go to photo page 5]] - [[:photos:page 6|go to photo page 6]] - [[:photos:page 7|go to photo page 7]] ( graduation 2022 ) \\ ^ Ph.D. Defense of Jiang Zhang and Proposal Report of Lu Feng 2019.1.11 ^^ | {{:photos:wechatimg36.jpeg?400|}} | {{:photos:wechatimg31.jpeg?400|}} | | Defense Committee and Zhang Jiang | Defense Committee and Lu Feng | ^ Documentary Feature for Peking University's 120 anniversary 2018.01.11 ^^ | {{:photos:20180111_1.jpg?400|}} | {{:photos:20180111_2.jpg?400|}} | | Zhang Jiang is showing the demo | The worker is setting up the equipments | ^ New Year's Day 2018.01.01 ^^ | {{:photos:20180101_7.jpg?400|}} | {{:photos:20180101_9.jpg?400|}} | | Hong Fan is showing our lab's decoration | Group photo | ^ Ph.D. Defense of Richen Liu 2016.12.23 ^^ | {{:photos:phd.defense.richenliu.02.jpg?400}} | {{:photos:phd.defense.richenliu.01.jpg?400}} | | Defense committee of Richen Liu | Ph.D. Defense of Richen Liu | ^ Students from "The Affiliated Middle School of Peking Normal University" Visit Lab 2016.07.12 ^^ | {{:photos:2016071201.jpg?400|}} | {{:photos:2016071202.jpg?400|}} | | Liu Richen is introducing large display wall works | Lu Min is introducing the traffic visual analytics system | ^ Master Defense of Guo Cong, Wang Zhenhuang and Shu Qingya 2016.06.03 ^^ | {{:photos:1.pic_hd.jpg?400}} | {{:photos:9.pic.jpg?400}} | | Master Photo | | {{:photos:4.pic_hd.jpg?400}} | {{:photos:2.pic_hd.jpg?400}} | | Group Photo | | {{:photos:5.pic.jpg?400}} | {{:photos:7.pic.jpg?400}} | | {{:photos:6.pic.jpg?400}} | ^ R conference 2016.05.28 ^ | {{:photos:siming_3.jpg?400|}} | | Siming Chen is presenting 9th R Conference in China | ^ Openday 2016 2016.05.21 ^^ | {{ :photos:2016.05.21.openday.001.jpg?400 |}} | {{ :photos:2016.05.21.openday.002.jpg?400 |}} | | Large display wall | Lin Lijing is introducing the fake station | | {{ :photos:2016.05.21.openday.003.jpg?400 |}} | {{ :photos:2016.05.21.openday.004.jpg?400 |}} | | Liu Richen is introducing large display wall works | Zhang Yu is introducing traffic jam | | {{ :photos:2016.05.21.openday.005.jpg?400 |}} | {{ :photos:2016.05.21.openday.006.jpg?400 |}} | | Zhang Jiang is introducing global pathline | Lai Chufan is introducing Weibo Geo | ^ DTCC 2016.5.13 ^ |{{:photos:lumin_22.png?400|}} | | Lumin is presenting her work on spatial temporal visual analytics in DTCC | ^ PacificVis 2016 2016.04.19-22 ^^ | {{ :photos:group_pvis16.jpg?400 |}} | {{ :photos:liurichen_pvis16_paper.png?400 |}} | | Group photo | Liu Richen is presenting his paper | | {{ :photos:shuqingya_pvis16_paper.png?400 |}} | {{ :photos:zhangjiang_pvis16_paper3.jpg?400 |}} | | Shu Qingya is presenting her paper | Zhang Jiang is presenting his paper | | {{ :photos:laichufan_pvis16_poster.png?400 |}} | {{ :photos:chensiming_pvis16_poster.jpg?400 |}} | | Lai Chufan is showing his poster | Chen Siming is showing his poster | | {{ :photos:lumin_pvis16_poster.jpg?400 |}} | {{ :photos:hongfan_pvis16_poster.jpg?400 |}} | | Lu Min is showing her poster | Hong Fan is showing his poster | ^ Open Day 2015.5.17 ^^ | {{ :photos:img_3801.jpg?400 |}} | {{ :photos:img_3782.jpg?400 |}} | |Zhang Jiang is presenting | Siming taking weibo footprint prroject| ^ Prof.Thomas Ertl's visiting 2015.04.03. ^^ | {{:photos:dsc_0004m.jpg?400|}} | {{:photos:dsc_0040m.jpg?400|}} | | Prof.Ertl's giving a talk | Discussion with group members after the talk | ^ Dr. Kenji Ono's (from RIKEN, Japan) visiting 2015.02.11. ^^ | {{:photos:ono1.jpg?400|}} | {{:photos:ono2.jpg?400|}} | | Dr. Kenji giving a talk | Researchers' discussion after the talk | | MPR'14 Participants Visit Lab 2014.10.17 | | {{:photos:mpr_fan.jpg?400|}} |{{ :photos:mpr_richen.jpg?400 |}} | | Hongfan introducing our work on Tiled Display Wall | Richen introducing our work on Scientific Visualization | | "National University Scientific Camp" Visit Lab 2014.07.23 | | {{:photos:crop1.jpg?400|}} | {{:photos:crop2.jpg?400|}} | | Richen introducing our work on Tiled Display Wall | Zuchao introducing the traffic visual analytics system | | China Visual Analytics 2014, 2014.07.19-20 | | {{:photos:a_xiaoru.jpg?400|}} | {{:photos:b_room.jpg?400|}} | | Prof.Yuan in the Opening | Conference Overview | | {{:photos:c_ma.jpg?400|}} | {{:photos:d_hans.jpg?400|}} | | Prof. Kuan-liu Ma gave the keynotes speaking | Prof. Hans-Christian Hege gave the keynotes speaking | | {{:photos:e_hanwei.jpg?400|}} | {{:photos:f_huamin.jpg?400|}} | | Prof. Han-wei Shen gave the keynotes speaking | Prof. Huamin Qu gave the keynotes speaking | | {{:photos:g_panel.jpg?400|}} | {{:photos:h_vol.jpg?400|}} | | Panel on Visualization Learning, Trends, Application | PKUVIS members as volunteers in the conference | | {{:photos:i_viznight.jpg?400|}} | {{:photos:j_summarize.jpg?400|}} | | VisNight - discussion on how to write high quality paper | Introduction of China VIS 2015, by Prof.Jiawan Zhang | \\ | Graduation Ceremony 2014, 2014.05.29, LakeView Hotel | | {{:photos:hanqi1.jpg?400|}} | {{:photos:limei2.jpg?400|}} | | Hanqi's summary of his life in the lab | Limei's summary of her life in the lab | | {{:photos:xiaoru3.jpg?400|}} | {{:photos:student4.jpg?400|}} | | Prof.Yuan sending best wishes to the graduate students | Prof.Zha, Prof.Yuan, Che limei and Guo Hanqi | | {{:photos:large5.jpg?400|}} | {{:photos:ourgroup6.jpg?400|}} | | All the invitees of the ceremony | Group photo in the ceremony | \\ | Guo Hanqi's PhD defense, 2014.05.29 | | {{:photos:hanqi3.jpg?400|}} | {{:photos:hanqi4.jpg?400|}} | | Hanqi's PhD Defense | Defense Committee and Hanqi | \\ | IEEE VisWeek2013 in Atlanta, USA (2013.10.13-18) | | {{:photos:vgroup.jpg?400}} | {{:photos:vxiaoru.jpg?400}} | | Group Photo in VisWeek2013, Atlanta | Prof. Xiaoru Yuan presenting our InfoVis paper at VisWeek2013 | | {{:photos:vhanqi.jpg?400}} | {{:photos:vzuchao.jpg?400}} | | Hanqi Guo presenting our SciVis paper at VisWeek2013 | Zuchao Wang presenting our VAST paper at VisWeek2013 | | {{:photos:vsiming.jpg?400}} | {{:photos:vfan.jpg?400}} | | Siming Chen presenting VAST Challenge Award work at VisWeek2013 | Fan Hong doing SciVis Poster Fast forward at VisWeek2013 | | Students from "National University Scientific Camp" Visit Lab | | {{:photos:07cong.png?400}} | {{:photos:07zu.png?400}} | | Cong Guo introducing the Tiled Display Wall | Zuchao introducing the traffic visual analytics system | | Visualization Workshop'13 | | {{:photos:conf1.png?400}} | {{:photos:artpanel.jpg?400}} | | Conference overview | Panel of "Visualization, Art and News" | | {{:photos:silva.png?400}} | {{:photos:yifan.jpg?400}} | | Prof.Claudio Silva gives speech | Dr.Yifan Hu gives speech | | 2013 PKU Visualization Summer School | | {{:photos:14.jpg?400}} | {{:photos:15.jpg?400}} | | Dr.Yifan Hu is given honor of summer school teacher by Prof.Xiaoru Yuan | Summer School Students | | Greaduation Ceremony, Lake View Hotel, Peking University, 2013.06.10 | | {{:photos:cere2.png?200}} | {{:photos:cere3.png?200}} | | Qingya Shu is presenting and sharing memories with group members | Ye Cheng is presenting and sharing memories with group members | | {{:photos:cere5.png?200}} | {{:photos:cere4.png?200}} | | Donghao Ren is presenting and sharing memories with group members | Zhenhuang Wang is presenting and sharing memories with group members | | {{:photos:0621.png?400}} | {{:photos:0621_1.png?400}} | | Group photo | Xin Zhang is presenting and sharing memories with group members | | {{:photos:cere1.png?400}} | {{:photos:cere6.png?400}} | | Prof.Yuan and Xin Zhang's photo | Group photo with visiting Professors and students | | IEEE PacificVis2013 in Sydney, Australia (2013.02.26-2013.03.01) | | {{:photos:p1010095.jpg?400}} | {{:photos:p1010098.jpg?400}} | | Hanqi Guo presenting our paper | Hanqi Guo presenting our paper - answering questions |