Dataset of newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 in China

Data Source:
Information issued by the national health commission (NHC) , provincial health commission, provincial and municipal governments.
Data Range:
The dataset covers the data of 31 provincial-level administrative divisions (PLADs), Xinjiang Production and Construction Corp (XPCC), Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan from Jan 10, 2020 to Oct 22, 2021. Details as follows:
1. The number of newly confirmed cases and the number that has been reexamined and reduced or added nationwide, which are reported by the NHC every day.
2. The number of newly confirmed cases and the number that has been reexamined and reduced or added in each province, which are reported by the provincial health commission every day. The number of newly confirmed cases and the number that has been reexamined and reduced or added in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macau Special Administrative Region and Taiwan province, which are reported by the NHC every day.
3. The number of newly confirmed cases and the number that has been reexamined and reduced or added in each prefecture-level city, county-level city under direct administration of PLADs, state-level new area.
Data Description:
1. The data items include 6 attributes in each row : diagnosis time, statistical level, province, city, the number of newly confirmed cases, the number that has been reexamined and reduced or added. The statistical level is divided into three levels: "national level" corresponds to the total value of China, and the name of province and city is blank; "provincial level" corresponds to the total value of the province, and the name of city is blank; "city level" corresponds to the statistical value of the city.
2. The dataset takes days as scale unit and ends at 24 o'clock every day. Some provinces and cities failed to report at 0-24, resulting in subtle differences between provincial data and national summary data.
3. The number that has been reexamined and reduced or added is listed separately (positive numbers for increases and negative numbers for decreases).
4. For information that is not explicitly disclosed in specific cities, we uniformly mark them as regions to be confirmed.
5. Accumulative amount of the day is equal to the accumulative amount of the previous day plus the newly added number of today plus the number that has been reexamined and reduced or added of today, which is equal to the accumulative value published by the health commission.
6. For case attribution adjustment reported by provincial health committees, the number that has been reexamined and reduced or added was used to record.
7. This dataset is in CSV format and utf-8-sig encoding.
This dataset is collected from the national and provincial health commission. The Visualization and Visual Analytics Laboratory of Peking University collects and arranges the data based on the principles of independence, objectivity, impartiality and prudence.
If you have any questions, please check the report of the health commission. The Visualization and Visual Analytics Laboratory of Peking University does not guarantee the accuracy and integrity of the information.
Welcome to reprint or use for public welfare. You can request the dataset through email. We provide free use. Please contact us in advance to explain the use and indicate the source in use. For other ways, please contact us specifically. We are against any commercial embezzlement.
E-mail: pkuvis [at]

List of contributors

Steering group:
Yuan Xiaoru (Peking University), Huang Chuanming (Qi Anxin), Wu Yadong (Sichuan University of Science & Engineering), Wang Guijuan (Southwest University of Science and Technology), Hong Chaoqun (Xiamen Institute of Technology), Wang Yanhui, Zhang Yi (Tianjin University)
Collecting group:
Tan Shaocong (Peking University), Jiang Ruike (Peking University), Lin Zengmin (Xiamen Institute of Technology), Wei Dongsheng (Xiamen Institute of Technology), Zhou Wengang (Xiamen Institute of Technology) Zhang Yanling (Shanghai Jiaotong University), LV Hui (Lanzhou University), Ding Chao (Xinjiang University), Li Yu (Yanshan University), Guo Yaoyao (Yanshan University), Zhao Weixin (Southwest University of Science and Technology), Chen Nuo (Tianjin University) Wang Jiaqi (Tianjin University), Wang Teng (Tianjin University), Zhu Chenlu (Tianjin University), Mo Chunyi (Tianjin University), Wang Yuxin (Suzhou Art&Design Technology Institute), Wang Chen (Lanzhou University), LV Dan (Xinjiang University) Zhai Qinghai (Guilin University of Technology), Zhang Qiming (Guilin University of Technology), Xu Rong'an (Guilin University of Technology)
Technical group:
Xiong Bochen (Xiamen Institute of Technology), Tan Boyou (Southwest University of Science and Technology), Zhou Longfang (Southwest University of Science and Technology), Yang Xiaoqian (Southwest University of Science and Technology), Wu Cong (Peking University)
Inspection group:
Chen Chao (Sichuan University of Science & Engineering), Ye Chuyue (Peking University), Mu Dongsheng (Southwest University of Science and Technology), Dai Weiyang (Southwest University of Science and Technology), Mao Longkun (Southwest University of Science and Technology), Cai Xueqin (MORE Data Journalism Studio of Sichuan Daily), LV Ziqian (MORE Data Journalism Studio of Sichuan Daily), Zheng Haoming (MORE Data Journalism Studio of Sichuan Daily)

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