Poster Session
List of Accepted Posters
01 GPU-based Opaque Splatting for Unstructured Volume Rendering
ZhongMing Ding, Naohisa Sakamoto, Takuma Kawamura, Koji Koyamada (Kyoto University)
02 Phase Contrast Volume Rendering
Jie Liu, Xiaoru Yuan (Peking University)
03 Highly Parallel Unsteady Flow Line Integral Convolution
Yang Yu (Zhejiang University), Zhanping Liu (Kitware Inc.), Wei Chen , Qunsheng Peng (Zhejiang University)
04 Lighting-Driven Volume Classification
Yunhai Wang , YanGang Wang (Supercomputing Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences), Huai Zhang (Laboratory of Computational Geodynamics), GuiHua Shan (Supercomputing Center of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
05 Streamline Seed Points Placement Strategy for Multi-resolution 2D Flow Visualization
Hanqi Guo, Xiaoru Yuan (Peking University)
06 Visualizing the Invisible Mind: a Case Study in Visualization of Time-varying ERP Experimental Data
Mengdie Hu, Xiaoru Yuan, He Xiao (Peking University)
07 Visualization of Geomagnetic Model Combined with Google Earth
Fenglin Peng , Dan Wang , Maining Ma (WDC for Geophysics), Chunhua Bai , Zhenchang An (Inst. Of Geology and Geophysics), Guohui Xia (Inst. Of Geology and Geophysics), Wenyao Xu (Inst. Of Geology and E1 Geophysics), Xiaoyang Shen (Inst. Of Geology and Geophysics), Lijun Xing (WDC for Geophysics)
08 A Construction of real-time visualization system using a sensor network system
Norihisa Segawa (Iwate Prefectural University), Naohisa Sakamoto , Koji Koyamada (Kyoto University)
09 Interactive Visualization of Intersections across Hierarchical Layers
Caixia Zhang (Google Inc.), David Kao (NASA Ames Research Center), Carrie Grimes (Google Inc.)
10 A Summarization and Visualization Technique for Traffic Paths
Hiroko Yabushita, Takayuki Itoh (Ochanomizu University)
11 Journal Visualization by a Dual Hierarchical Data Visualization Technique
Kana Shiratori, Takayuki Itoh (Ochanomizu University)
12 A Similarity-Based 3D Time-Varying Data Visualization Technique
Maiko Imoto, Takayuki Itoh (Ochanomizu University)
13 Sensing and visualization of a dynamic scene using a network of laser scanners and video cameras
J. Sha, H. Zhao, J. Cui, H. Zha (Peking University)
14 3D Measurement of a Dynamic Urban Environment Using an Intelligent Vehicle
Long Xiong, Huijing Zhao, Zhigang Jiao, Jinshi Cui and Hongbin Zha (Peking University)

Poster Session
Authors of accepted posters are required to bring an explanatory hardcopy poster for display during the scheduled evening poster session, and be available for discussion at that time. Accepted authors who wish to also show demos of their work are encouraged to also bring a laptop to the poster session. There will be a limited number of stations for showing videos during the main poster session. Authors who wish to show a live demo but cannot provide their own machine should contact the posters chairs in advance of the submission deadline to discuss the logistics. All authors who plan to show live demos or video should clearly indicate this fact in their submissions. Authors are also required to present a very brief one-minute summary of their poster at a short preview session in the conference.

Posters Review Process
Each poster will be read and evaluated by the Posters Chairs. Submissions will be evaluated based on whether the content is suitable for the venue and not a repetition of the work of others. Authors of posters that are not accepted will receive summary reviews of their poster from the chairs explaining the decision and providing feedback.

Student Poster Awards
Up to three posters will be granted the best poster awards at the PacificVis 2009 Symposium.
- Purpose
The purpose of the Best Poster Awards of the PacificVis 2009 Symposium is to encourage graduate students to demonstrate their best research results on visualization.
- Eligibility
Only posters, first authored by a student, presented during the conference are eligible to the best poster awards.
- Decision
The decision on the best posters will be based on the voting results of all symposium attendants. A sheet with information of all eligible posters will be distributed to each symposium attendants at the beginning of the conference. The votes will be collected and counted and the poster papers ranking the top one to three votes will be announced during the Closing Remarks and Poster Award Ceremony Session of the symposium.
- Prize
An award certificate will be conveyed by the conference chair to each author.
- Criteria
The selection of the best poster paper awards is based on following criteria:

  • The research merits of the poster papers.
  • The quality of the presentations during the poster fast forward session.
  • The visual quality of the posters displayed during the conference
  • The interaction with the audience during the poster viewing sessions.

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