PKU Visualization and Visual Analytics Group

The real voyage of discovery consists, not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes.
--Marcel Proust
Research Interests

My primary research interests lie in the field of visualization and computer graphics. My broad vision is to invent novel visualization techniques to empower people in all scientific communities to explore, understand, and interpret the vast amount of data that result from physical acquisition and simulation. I am currently working on developing strategies and methods to address effective and efficient visualization.

High Fidelity Visualization
In high fidelity visualization, the goal is to develop algorithms that can deliver artifact-free visualization while achieving efficiency and retaining a maximum amount of information residing in the data.
Related Publications:
  1. Xiaoru Yuan, Minh X. Nguyen, Baoquan Chen and David H. Porter, "HDRVolVis: High Dynamic Range Volume Visualization." IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, 12(4):433-455 July/August, 2006.

  2. Xiaoru Yuan, Minh X. Nguyen, Baoquan Chen and David H. Porter, "High Dynamic Range Volume Visualization." In Proceedings of the conference on Visualization (VIS'05). Pages 327-334. Minneapolis, USA. Oct 23 - 28. 2005. (Best Application Paper Award) [pdf] 2.03MB

  3. Xiaoru Yuan, Minh X. Nguyen, Hui Xu and Baoquan Chen, "Hybrid Forward Resampling and Volume Rendering." in Proceedings of the 2003 Eurographics/IEEE TVCG Workshop on Volume graphics (VG'03), pages 119-127. Tokyo, Japan, 7-8 June 2003. DOI [pdf] 4.21MB [ps] 5.35M

  4. Xiaoru Yuan, Yingchun Liu, Baoquan Chen, David A. Yuen, and Tomas Pergler, "Visualization of high dynamic
    range data in geosciences
    " Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors (PEPI), 163:312-320, 2007. Elsevier.
Illustrative Visualization
Illustrative visualization explores the power of illustrations to effectively convey information by omitting or simplifying unimportant details while enhancing the most significant features or exposing hidden features that are important.
Related Publications:
  1. Xiaoru Yuan, Minh X. Nguyen, Nan Zhang and Baoquan Chen, "Stippling and Silhouettes Rendering in Geometry-Image Space." In Proceedings of the 2005 Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR'05), pages 193-200, 318. Konstanz, Germany. June 29-July 1, 2005. [pdf] 4.1MB

  2. Xiaoru Yuan and Baoquan Chen, "Illustrating Surfaces in Volume." In Proceedings of the VisSym'04 Joint IEEE/EG Symposium on Visualization, pages 9-16. Konstanz, Germany May 19-21, 2004. [pdf] 5.60MB [ps] 29.3MB

  3. Hui Xu, Minh X. Nguyen, Xiaoru Yuan and Baoquan Chen, "Interactive Silhouette Rendering for Point-Based Models." in Proceedings of Symposium On Point Based Graphics 2004, pages 13-18. ETH Zurich, Switzerland, June 2-4, 2004. [pdf] 2.92MB [ps] 42.1MB

  4. Minh X. Nguyen, Hui Xu, Xiaoru Yuan and Baoquan Chen. "INSPIRE: An Interactive Image Assisted Non-Photorealistic Rendering System ." in Proceedings of the 11th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (PG'03), pages 472-477. Canmore, Canada, October 8-10 2003. [pdf] 2.10MB

  5. Xiaoru Yuan and Baoquan Chen. "Procedural Image Processing for Visualization." in Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC 2006), Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS 4291). Pages 50-59. Springer-Verlag. Lake Tahoe, NV. November 6-8, 2006. [pdf] pdf 11.6MB
Explorative Visualization
In explorative visualization, the goal is to incorporate user into the data exploration process. Recent advances in input device technologies have brought opportunities for revolutionizing the interface and increasing the user's role in visualization. The main aim here is to equip the user with an intuitive sketch-based interface to perform difficult visualization tasks and to achieve a better understanding of complex phenomena.
Related Publications:
  1. Xiaoru Yuan, Nan Zhang, Minh X. Nguyen and Baoquan Chen, "Volume Cutout." The Visual Computer 21(8-10):745-754 (2005). (Special Issue of Pacific Graphics 2005). DOI [pdf] 5.41MB

  2. Xiaoru Yuan, Hui Xu, Minh X. Nguyen, Amit Shesh and Baoquan Chen, "Sketch-based Segmentation of Scanned Outdoor Environment Models." In Proceeding of the 2nd Eurographics Workshop on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling (SBM'05), pages 19-26. Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, August 28-29, 2005. [pdf] 1.34MB

  3. Yunhai Wang, Xiaoru Yuan, Guihua Shan, and Xuebin Chi. The 4th International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization and Engineering (CDVE), 2007. Shanghai, China, September 16-20, 2007. [pdf] 1.63MB
Information Visualization
Related Publications:
  1. Tanasai Sucontphunt, Xiaoru Yuan, Qing Li, and Zhigang Deng, "Region-based Visualization of Expressive
    Facial Motion." IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis 2008), Kyoto, Japan. March 3-5, 2008. (To Appear).

  2. Hong Zhou, Xiaoru Yuan, Huamin Qu, Cui Weiwei, and Baoquan Chen, "Energy-Based Hierarchical Edge Clustering of Graphs." IEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (PacificVis 2008), Kyoto, Japan. March 3-5, 2008. (To Appear).

  3. Hong Zhou, Xiaoru Yuan, Huamin Qu, and Baoquan Chen, "Visual Clustering in Parallel Coordinates." IEEE Visualization 2007. Poster. Sacramento, CA. USA. October 28- November 1, 2007.
Geometry Images Related
Related Publications:
  1. Xiaoru Yuan, Minh X. Nguyen, Nan Zhang and Baoquan Chen, "Stippling and Silhouettes Rendering in Geometry-Image Space." In Proceedings of the 2005 Eurographics Symposium on Rendering (EGSR'05), pages 193-200, 318. Konstanz, Germany. June 29-July 1, 2005. [pdf] 4.1MB

  2. Minh X. Nguyen, Xiaoru Yuan, and Baoquan Chen, "Geometry Completion and Detail Generation by Texture Synthesis." The Visual Computer 21(8-10):669-678 (2005). (Special Issue of Pacific Graphics 2005). DOI [pdf] 9.13MB
Point-Based Graphics
Related Publications:
  1. Lijun Qu, Xiaoru Yuan, Minh X. Nguyen, Gary Meyer and Baoquan Chen. "Perceptually Guided Texture Mapping on Points." in Proceedings of Symposium On Point Based Graphics 2006, pages 95-102. Boston, MA, USA, July 29-30, 2006. [pdf] 6.91MB

  2. Xiaoru Yuan, Minh X. Nguyen, and Baoquan Chen. "High Quality Texture Mapping and Rendering of Point-Models." Encyclopedia of Computer Science & Engineering, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (In Press)

  3. Nan Zhang, Xiangmin Zhou, Desong Sha, Xiaoru Yuan, Kumar K. Tamma, and Baoquan Chen. "Integrating Mesh and Meshfree Methods for Physics-Based Fracture and Debris Cloud Simulation." in Proceedings of Symposium On Point Based Graphics 2006, pages 145-154. Boston, MA, USA, July 29-30, 2006. [pdf] 2.03MB

  4. Minh X. Nguyen, Xiaoru Yuan, Thanh V. Nguyen, Jie Chen, Baoquan Chen and Huamin Qu, "Texture Splatting." In Proceeding of the 14th Pacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications (Pacific Graphics 2006). Poster Paper. Taipei. Oct 11-13, 2006. [pdf] 1.17MB

  5. Xiaoru Yuan, Minh X. Nguyen, Thanh V. Nguyen and Baoquan Chen, "Interactive Texture Mapping for Point-Based Models." ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games (I3DG 2006) Poster, Redwood City, CA. March 14-17, 2006.[pdf] 876KB

  6. Hui Xu, Minh X. Nguyen, Xiaoru Yuan and Baoquan Chen, "Interactive Silhouette Rendering for Point-Based Models." in Proceedings of Symposium On Point Based Graphics 2004, pages 13-18. ETH Zurich, Switzerland, June 2-4, 2004. [pdf] 2.92MB [ps] 42.1MB

  7. Xiaoru Yuan, Hui Xu, Minh X. Nguyen, Amit Shesh and Baoquan Chen, "Sketch-based Segmentation of Scanned Outdoor Environment Models." In Proceeding of the 2nd Eurographics Workshop on Sketch-Based Interfaces and Modeling (SBM'05), pages 19-26. Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, August 28-29, 2005. [pdf] 1.34MB
Geophysics Visualization Application
Related Publications:
  1. Xiaoru Yuan, Yingchun Liu, Baoquan Chen, David A. Yuen, and Tomas Pergler, "Visualization of high dynamic
    range data in geosciences
    " Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors (PEPI), 163:312-320, 2007. Elsevier.

  2. Xiaoru Yuan, Ying-chun Liu, Dave A. Yuen, Tomas Pergler, Baoquan Chen and Yaolin Shi, "An Efficient Method for Creating InSaR-like Images" Submitted to Pure and Applied Geophysics (PAGEOPH). Birkhauser Verlag AG. (In Press).

  3. Huai Zhang, Yaolin Shi, Dave A. Yuen, Ying-chun Liu, Chaofan Zhang and Xiaoru Yuan, "Modelling and Visualization of Tsunamis" Submitted to Pure and Applied Geophysics (PAGEOPH). Birkhauser Verlag AG. (In Press).

  4. Xiaoru Yuan, Minh X. Nguyen, Yingchun Liu, David A. Yuen, Baoquan Chen and Yaolin Shi, "Visualization of Rupture Fault Simulation Inspired by Light Interference." IEEE Visualization 2006. Poster. Baltimore, MD. USA. October 29- November 3, 2006. (Best Poster Candidate)

  5. Xiaoru Yuan, Yingchun Liu, David A. Yuen and Guihua Shan, "The Use of Graphics Processing Processing Unit (GPU) Computation in Geophysical Visualization." Eos Trans. AGU, 87(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract IN31A-1317, AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA. December 11-15, 2006.

  6. Xiaoru Yuan, Yingchun Liu, Minh X. Nguyen, Baoquan Chen, David A. Yuen and Yaolin Shi. "Novel Visualization Techniques Applied to Tsunami Waves." AGU Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting (WPGM), Beijing, China. July 24-27, 2006.
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